Film History since 1890

19 march 2010 by Frederic Lapointe

Film History goes as far as the 17th century. When a very early version of “magic lantern” (or shadow muppets as I like to call it) was invented, it was a devise with a lens that projected images from transparencies onto a screen, with a simple light source (such as a candle).  The invention of the Thaumatrope (the earliest version of an optical illusion toy) was in 1824. This is a disk or card with a picture on each side attached to two pieces of string, when the strings are twirled quickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to combine into a single image due to persistence of vision.  We’ve all done this once in our life as children or even as an adult, let’s admit it.

We had to wait until the 1920’s until film technology would allow movies to have sound.  The first “picture house” was built in New Orleans in 1896, but the first full-length film “THE SQUAW MAN” wasn’t released until 1913.  But alas, popcorn was first served in movie theatres in 1912, so those who got the privilege of seeing this first time projection had the chance of munching on it.  I don’t know where they got to put their drinks..seeing as cup holders only made it in 1981.

How much did it cost to watch a movie?

  • In 1907 you could watch a film at a Nickelodeon theater for five cents, which is why it was called a  “Nickel”odeon;
  • During the Depression or the 1920s, movies cost about 27 cents;
  • During the 60s it cost a little less than one dollar;
  •  About four dollars in the 80s;
  • Now it goes around 10 to 15 dollars.

Here is an interesting list I found on what were classified the best movies of each decade since the 1890’s:

We are proud to say at STiL that some of these great studios have film reels sitting confortably in our containers and even certain films listed above!


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